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Make 2021 burn-out blues a thing of the past

The New Year can bring fresh hopes and new aspirations, but sometimes also a little apprehension. In a Covid era, this is perfectly understandable! Will there be new outbreaks, more lockdowns and further business interruptions? Perhaps; perhaps not. But the main question you should ask yourself is whether you’re looking after Number 1…? After all, you can’t give your best to your loved ones and work colleagues if you aren’t looking after yourself.

Our VitaminMe family is very special to us, and we want you to start every year feeling energised, positive and stress-free; not burnt out from the previous year. That’s why we formulated our Energy + Mood vitamin to complement your daily health regime.

Containing the below vital ingredients, Energy + Mood capsules are created to regulate your mood while ensuring that you don’t feel sluggish or tired.

Some energy products on the market can leave you feeling anxious, by elevating your heart rate too much, but by using the right nutrients, our Energy + Mood capsules will not only give you a natural boost but also help maintain your eye and heart health.

Energy + Mood capsules containing the following main ingredients:

  • Folic acid
    Vitamin B9 (folic acid or folate) helps the body produce energy by helping it process food more efficiently, while also lowering the risk of stroke and increasing receptiveness of patients affected by depression to anti-depressants they’re prescribed. Taken in combination with Vitamin B12, it may also reduce age-related eye degeneration, especially in women.
  • Vitamin B12
    A ‘super vitamin’ that’s often overlooked, but actually stimulates energy production in the body, as well as boosting immunity. Including Vitamin B12 in your daily regime will therefore ensure better energy levels and a stronger natural defence against illness. By decreasing homocysteine levels (an amino acid that can be harmful to the heart if not regulated by essential vitamins), it may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • 5 HTP
    5 HTP (5- Hydroxytryptophan) is an amino acid that can be taken orally and aids serotonin production in the brain, thereby elevating mood, while also helping to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

By taking VitaminMe Energy + Mood capsules every day, while ensuring you get enough sleep and exercise, you’ll increase your chances of starting the New Year in a positive frame of mind, while having additional energy to tackle those daily challenges and work assignments that are part and parcel of modern life.

All the best for the New Year from the VitaminMe team!