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What is Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a term many have heard about but may not fully understand. Yet, for those who experience it, endometriosis can significantly impact daily life. With the correct treatment, support, knowledge and lifestyle, it can be managed and treated accordingly. Let’s spread some light and love upon Endometriosis Awareness Month.

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. This leads to inflammation and scar tissue forming in the pelvic region and occasionally elsewhere in the body. Endometriosis can start at a person’s first menstrual period and last until menopause.

Endometriosis can often be mistreated or completely undiagnosed, where women every month experience the symptoms which are especially enhanced during their menstrual cycles. Women, silently try cope with these symptoms and assume they are considered “normal” PMS related symptoms. However, with the correct diagnosis and treatment plan by medical professionals as well as natural remedies, women are able to manage symptoms and experience less pain and suffering with ease.

Why is Endometriosis misdiagnosed?

Gynaecologists often overlook symptoms related to endometriosis as symptoms are broad, leaving many women feeling that their symptoms are considered the norm, resulting in suffering in silence. Especially when women are on the birth control, it can lessen the effects of endo, and can cause a delayed diagnosis later on in life.

With endometriosis being a common diagnosis, it’s so important to create awareness of the symptoms so that more women can take back control of their health and wellbeing.

Let’s discuss the most common symptoms of endometriosis:

The most common symptom is pain in the lower part of the belly. Pain may be most noticeable:

  • During a period
  • During or after sex
  • When urinating

Other symptoms include:

  • Heavy bleeding during periods or between periods
  • Fertility struggles
  • Bloating or nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Depression or anxiety

Treatment options

While there is no cure for endometriosis, several treatment options can help manage symptoms and ease the effects. These may include:

Pain medication: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or prescription pain medications can help alleviate discomfort.

Hormonal therapy: Birth control pills or IUDs and/or natural hormonal remedies – check out our PMS Support + Hormone Balance for a natural treatment to regulate menstrual cycles, correct hormonal imbalances and reduce menstrual related cramps.

Surgery: In more severe cases, laparoscopic surgery may be recommended to remove endometrial implants and scar tissue.

Lifestyle changes: Regular exercise, stress management techniques, and dietary changes may help alleviate symptoms.

Let’s take our power back

Women around the world are breaking barriers and are becoming more informative about their health and wellbeing, by simply being aware of symptoms that the body experiences and seeking a diagnosis around these symptoms, we are empowering ourselves to take back control of our bodies.

With access to the internet and social media platforms, women are becoming more informative and open to discussing their hormonal related symptoms and finding comfort in fellow online friends around the world.

If you need assistance with managing these symptoms, keep a look out for our next blog shedding light on Menstruation and understanding our monthly cycles. We should all love our bodies and the miracles it creates, let’s together create awareness and empower ourselves!